Welcome to SPM
You are about to embark on a magical journey by reading these monthly messages (lessons) that will be a part of this Nuggets of Gold Newsletter. The Universe/Source has brought us together in this way for our mutual benefit. Get ready for magic to happen in your life.
YOU want and have desires for “something”. Maybe you want material things, like money and the things money can buy. Or maybe you want/desire intangible things like the “feeling” of contentment, accomplishment, peace, serenity, harmony, joy, bliss, freedom, passion, an improved self image, confidence, a feeling of self worth and that you deserve success in life etc. Maybe you want a relationship (to be loved and to love someone, either a friend or lover). Perhaps you want better health, more physical energy, better mental clarity, a reshaped thin body etc. Or maybe you want a better job, a better social life, a business of your own, being debt free, travel, getting over an addiction, eliminating depression/stress/anxiety or a phobia, better relationships with friends, family members, neighbours, working associates, relatives, etc. The list of wants/desires is endless. There are no right and wrong wants/desires. Simply listen to your inner “Self“, follow your feelings, and you will come up with your own desires/wants/preferences/choices/dreams/goals etc.
Everything starts with a desire/dream/goal. Some of you have a desire to have NO desires at all…which IS in fact a desire. To live with a wonderful sense of “detachment”: not being “owned or attached to anything or anyone” so that you are always free to feel how you choose to feel 100% regardless of the conditions/circumstances/events/situations/or people around you. It is the freedom to be blissfully happy no matter what happens around you or to you or is said about you. Wanting to achieve this is still to have a desire. Everything starts with a desire/dream. Desires/dreams lead to you creating, which is why you are here.
So, what do YOU want? What is your dream/desire/goal/preference? You are standing at the buffet of life and everything is available to you. All you have to do is choose what YOU desire/want…..and your wish is YOUR command! What do you want? Read till the end of the paragraph then stop reading and think! Answer theĀ question! Think…and feel….go slow….and breath…smile…feel good….be still…quiet the mind……what do you want?…….now stop reading for a few minutes and begin to answer this question. Then come back and continue reading.
As you are reading this lesson/message now and every month? Know that I am intending for YOU to manifest, live, and experience all your desires/dreams so that your joy is full and overflowing. We are connected as you read this. More than you can ever imagine! (Because as long as you still are embodied in a physical body your knowingness of this fact can only go so far, thus we ARE connected more than you, right now, have to ability to even imagine, let alone “know”.)
This connection combined with these messages/lessons will assist you in releasing your own power so that you can manifest your dreams faster and easier than ever before, and ultimately be happier and more at peace/harmony/contentment that you have ever felt. The end game is you feeling totally 100% fulfilled on all levels of being! Feeling on top of the world all the time!
Why And How Will This Work?
First, think of all the great “Masters” throughout history. Think of individuals that did great monumental things or came to realizations about life that allowed them to start a “movement”, invention, business, political ideology, product or religion that had or still has, a major impact on the world. Letās list just a few:
Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Mandela, Jobs, Devos and Van Andel, Mary Kay Ash, Dr. Shaklee, Many Nobel Prize winners, Ford, Einstein, Edison, Tesla, Columbus, Martin Luther, Confucius, Thoreau, Calvin, Lenin, Marx, Mohammed, L. Ron Hubbard, all the “Guru’s” who founded various spiritual movements, authors like Napoleon Hill, Dyer, Hicks, or Wattles etc. The list goes on.
Additionally, most leaders of countries around the world, throughout history, who have had a major impact (positive or negative, like Hitler) fall into this list. Most founders of religions, or “leaders” of religions or philosophical movements fall into this list. Also, most billionaires fall into this list.
There is a common denominator with all these people throughout history. ALL of them, BEFORE they were “enlightened”, or became “aware”, or had their epiphany, or made their mental “breakthrough”, or had the future clearly exposed before them, or had the realization of Truth, and BEFORE they started their “movement” or began spreading their “knowledge”, they ALL spent time alone, in relative seclusion (away from people). MANY were in prison, and most were secluded in rural, nature filled settings (forests, islands etc). ALL of them had this “time alone” with nature and “God/Source”, for at least many months, most years. Buddha spent 7 years in the forest…alone. Jesus spent at least 3-Āā5 years alone in the desert before he started his ministry.
Spend Time “Alone”
Now let me explain the significance of this. When a person is “forced” or chooses to spend “time alone” for months or YEARS, he has the unique opportunity to connect with Source without any interference. This is a rare condition. When ALONE or secluded in nature (which IS SOURCE) for months or YEARS, a person CAN (but not always does) experience this connection to the Universal Field in ways and inĀ depths that are beyond anyone’s comprehension as it is beyond words. When this happens, the download of knowledge is uninterrupted and without interference or filters, thus pure. Additionally, the releasing of mental/emotional/spiritual “blocks” happens at an accelerated rate. Thus a person’s ability to think and process data at great speeds is dramatically enhanced.
The main phenomena that COULD occur at various levels are: massive downloads of universal knowledge: of past, present and future; Understanding of this knowledge; thought speed dramatically increases making comprehension/understanding of this knowledge and truth past, present and future obviously apparent; with this complete Understanding of Truth, contentment, bliss and joy are almost permanent flowing emotions; Judging, criticizing and condemning can become non existent; compassion, and acceptance can be constant; love permeates the being and positively affects all who come into contact with it. There are more, but you get the point.
I have had 2 such experiences in my life so far. I am now in my third time of “seclusion”.
So how does this help YOU make YOUR dreams come true?
Simply this. The “powers that be”, throughout history have wanted all mankind to have lack of “knowledge/Truth”; a slow speed of thought; and be easy to control and manipulate by getting man to believe what “they” wanted man to believe.
This keeps those in power, in power (control/wealth). Why is keeping power/control so important to those who have it? Power/control are addictive, more than the most addictive drug. It gives the illusion of getting closer to Truth/Bliss/Contentment/connection to Source/God, yet the more power and control (wealth) you get, IF you are seeking these “things” with the belief it will give you the feeling you are REALLY inside seeking, the more you believe “just a little more” will get you what you truly seek. What is being sought is a “feeling”, (once experienced in ancient past by all of us), that all of us want to re-Āexperience. But they (like most of us) have been deceived/mislead along the line and are searching down the wrong path.
The Answer Lies Within
The answer lies simply within, not without. All Truth/Joy/Bliss/Contentment that surpasses all comprehension and understanding and is absolutely indescribable comes from simply connecting with Source. Knowing your True Self. Having the awareness and realization of that fact that you are already ONE with ALL-Āthat-ĀIS. (This state does not come WHEN you attain a desire.) When this state is attained (by simple awareness), you already HAVE the joy/peace you seek, thus you realize/know you will not get it from without. You now know that you will not get itĀ by achieving things in the material world. The best part is now you CAN have desires/dreams/preferences and make them manifest (as you are the ultimate creators), but now you are doing it for the joy of creating (the joy you already possess and experience) instead of believing that getting your desires will give you what you truly seek, as you already have it. Life now becomes moment to moment bliss! AND you get any and all desires you choose. All while feeling great all the time!
Almost all those is power/control/extreme wealth never reach this state. They are like the drug addicts who always needs more drugs to get the same “high” and it is never as good as their first “high”. So they do more and more and moreĀ drugs until they die, never getting the relief or the feeling they have been seeking. J.D.Ā Rockefeller (the richest man in the world in his time, worth in today’s dollars over $200 billion!), was on his deathbed still working to make more money. He was asked, how much money he needed to make to be happy. His sad answer was “just a little more”! Ford, Jobs, Walton, Hughes, and almost every Billionaire you can name was trying to make more money right until the end and lacked contentment and was unfulfilled.
Throughout history, the people in power around the world, have done 2 simple things to keep their power/control/wealth over the masses (because power is the most addictive “drug” there is, they will do anything to keep it and get more of it). First, the have used a secret science of “image creation” to create beliefs in people, of things that are not true. With mass media today, this is easy, as the media is controlled by those in power.
“Image Makers”
Next, they have always tried to slow down a personās speed of thinking. Your mind/brain is like a computer. If you have a computer with a very slow operating speed, it takes a long time for it to compute things. If your download speed is slow, it can take hours to download something. Remember dial up service for the Internet? When you tried to download something, it could take HOURS. That same download now takes 1Āā2 seconds! Your mind is the same way. If your speed of thought (that also means download speed) is slow, then your ability to download new information from the Universal Field, and to process this information/knowledge, is very slow and/or you cannot come to conclusions at all, as there is an overload in the mind and it freezes up. Thus you just give up hard thinking! And when your download speed is slow, most simply stop trying to access the Universal Field of all knowledge, because you simply cannot download the massive amount of data. (and even if you COULD, your thought speed is so slow, you cannot process it anyway so you give up, letting others do it, then tell you what to do and what to think.)
So, with control over the “images” you are being exposed to (the programming of your brain which creates your beliefs) and with you having a slow speed of thought (brain/mind processing speed as well as download speed)…the powers that be then have complete control over you without you even realizing it. YOU think you are in control because they “make” you think and believe what they want.
To help you achieve your dreams, first we must expose the “issues”. We must shed light on the “problems”. Once you see the “problem” you are already partially free of its power over you. But more importantly, we must FOCUS on the SOLUTION.
These messages/lessons are going to be focusing on the solutions. You will feel great during and after you read these.
The objective is to simultaneously free you from the programming you have received and continue to receive from the “image makers“, and to increase your speed of thought. When these 2 things happen, even to a small degree, you begin to feel freedom like you have never felt before. You begin to feel more content, happy, at peace. You feel more in control of your life experience and realize you can create any life experience you want. You begin to be happy NOW, and are able to manifest what you want in your life easier and faster than ever before.
So, today truly is the first day of the rest of your life. You can become totally free, on all levels and all dimensions. The decision is yours. All success for you, for all time, is simply a decision away. You are not reading this by accident. It has been said, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I as a lifelong student myself, I have always had the “teacherā (in whatever form Source knows is best, not always a PERSON, but maybe an experience!) appear ONLY when I am 100% ready to receive AND it is my TIME to receive. There is a time for learning, and there is a time for teaching. There is a time for planting and there is a time for harvesting.
I have and continue to be in the time of “learning”, downloading, and releasing abilities. Much of what I was taught many years ago were seeds planted, that have sprouted over time, and that are now being harvested. Along with all the “new”, I will now be sharing ALL of them with you.
Timing Is ALWAYS Perfect
You might be getting tingling sensations right now as I am. This is special for you and for me. You will be a special group to me in a very personal way. We have a connection unique from any other. The magic is already happening and I know you can feel it.
I am student and teacher, and you are student and teacher as well. You will be a source of energy to all around you just by your being-Āāness. You will have a positive impact on so many just by being you and living your life full of joy. Your best is before you. How lucky we both are to be on this path together. Years from now, I am sure we will be together somewhere in the world, in person, sharing joy, happiness and wonderful stories of these early days. We will talk and laugh about the first monthās newsletter I wrote from prison. We will be joyful in the magnificent lives we live, yet will not be surprised by the magnificence and opulence of our earthly material lives or the indescribable inner joy and bliss we experience. We will simply be enjoying beyond words the lives we have chosen to create and all theĀ experiences/people/events/conditions/situations/material things/inner feelings we have attracted, created, and manifested into our lives.
Remember, there are no good or bad “things/events/situations” except that our thinking makes it so. Everything that has happened, MUST had to have happened for the highest good for ALL. It is ALL perfect. So pop the champagne!
The Universe/Source is Divine and Perfect. Timing is ALWAYS perfect even if we THINK we know better. How blessed we are. How wonderful life is. How perfect the Law of Attraction is. How perfect the power of “love” is. How glorious and spectacular the NOW is and every moment we live and breathe! This moment and every moment is absolute perfection. Revel in it. Taste the deliciousness of it. Savor the sweet nectar of this moment. Be still and know that you are one with All-Āāthat-ĀāIS . Be still and know that you are one. Be still and know. Be still. Be. Feel the joy bubbling up with you and flowing through you. (this is the FORCE)
The Best Is NOW To Come For YOU
Welcome to a new world of possibilities and experiences……………the journey has begun.
Between now and next monthās message/lesson/newsletter, I would encourage you to do a few things to maximize your growth and help you achieve what you want in life faster:
-Reread this message/lesson at least once. More is better. Rereading it everyday or every other day will have powerful effects on you as each reading of it in a new unit of time will reveal to you more than the previous reading, as much of the benefits of these messages/lessons are hidden “between the lines”, and in the energy being transmitted to you each time you read the lesson, and not just in the words of the lesson, and the intellectual understanding of the concepts presented.
Now is the time for you to be, do and have all that you already ARE! All your dreams ARE already yours in the non physical! They all actually exist right this moment. Now is the time to allow yourself to receive them into your physical experience, as they simply transform from the formless vibrational reality, to the physical material reality of form for you to touch, see, feelā¦so that your joy is full and over flowing. The best is NOW to come for YOU.
Much love and may you never be the same.
To be continued next month…
Book Recommendations by KT:
Books FOCUSING on Manifesting Material
Books FOCUSING on Non-Material/Spiritual/Feel Good NOW