Welcome to Lesson 2 of Nuggets of Gold. The adventure now commences. Get ready for a magnificent brand new life experience. If you have not completed lesson 1 of the Science of Personal Mastery, click here and finish it then come back for the next lesson.

Lets Begin!

You are reading this. Why are you reading this? You did not answer the question. You did not even ponder the question. You are not concentrating. You are not focused. You are not in the present moment. You are rushing. You think the secrets will be revealed later in this lesson, or in a future lesson, or some other book, or some other seminar, or some other course. You want to read this as fast as you can and “finish”. You cannot yet comprehend that the “secret” could be in this very sentence, at this very moment, right now. You assume it must come “later or someplace else”. You have never been ready to accept or receive Truth. You have thought that you must have to work harder, and longer, to earn your worthiness, and only after a long struggle will you be deserving of having “all” revealed to you, and you think you are not there quite yet.

This is because of the “image makers” and how they programmed you.

You Must Be In Present Moment

The first lesson you must learn now, is to be in present time. Be ready, be receptive, be in a state of openness and allowing, right now. Be humble. Know, that you do not know, what you do not know. Be teachable. Have a high “teach ability index”. You must know you already “have arrived” and are, in fact, worthy and deserving right now.

You read the question, yet did not answer it. You just read the question, and you kept on reading. You did not even think about the question. So, we will start again, and this time actually think about the question, ponder the question, focus, concentrate, search your mind and the Universal field, look with your mind AND SELF throughout the collective consciousness. Emote, feel, and THEN actually answer the question. Be in the present moment. Be open. Be here right now.

This very moment you are “expanding” and becoming more aware and conscious of who you really are and how powerful you are. Secrets are being revealed to you NOW (actually, you are becoming aware of the “secrets” that have always been there!). Your ability to manifest your dreams is increasing NOW, based on YOUR ability to BE HERE NOW, and FOCUS (actually, your abilities cannot increase, your awareness of them can increase, making it seem like you are getting new abilities and powers when you are just getting to “know” and be aware of the abilities and powers you always had).

However, first you must learn this key point. Slow down. Pay full attention to things. Concentrate. Be totally aware (as best you can right now). What you seek is right in front of you at all times. It is actually within you at all times. It is in everything at all times. It is PART of you and you are part of it. Focus. Concentrate. Yet, relax and let go. Go slow. Be conscious of YOU (the SELF), and your current experience: what you are thinking; seeing; doing; feeling; sensing; and witnessing at every moment.

Concentrate. THINK. Focus. Breath. Be.

So, before we go any further, here are the instructions. When you are doing this course (these lessons), AND/OR when you are reading any book, when going through any seminar, audio, or training of any kind, SLOW DOWN! Focus. Pay attention. Concentrate. THINK. Ponder what you are going through, every word you are reading or hearing, and what you are thinking and feeling. Reread sentences.

After you read a sentence, sometimes stop reading and think about the sentence you just read. Then read it again. It is not the NUMBER of books/courses/lessons/seminars you go through that will increase (release) your abilities and happiness within, it is the amount of FOCUS you put on whatever training you are going through.

The answers are in everything, even FALSE teachings, as when you are “aware”, you understand the TRUTH when you are exposed to FALSE teachings. A wise man always learns from the fool, but the fool never learns from the wise man.

So, be in the present moment, be aware, be conscious. Wake up! Pay attention. Focus. Concentrate. THINK. Now, say out loud…YES.

Take a deep breath.


Go Slow!

In a moment, when I tell you, you will go back to the beginning and read this again, SLOWLY. (I will tell you when to stop reading and go back to the beginning, so keep reading) Maybe, reread some sentences and think about it before you go on.

Consider rereading some sentences 2 or 3 times and think about them BEFORE you continue reading. Go slow!

This is NOT a race where you win and get all the prizes as soon as you finish. You only WIN when you GET the “release” that this course/lessons can produce. You only get the release when you get a cognition from the “secret truth” that is hidden in each paragraph, sentence, and in some cases a single word. If you go through this fast, you will NOT get the cognitions, you will not get the release, and you will not get the benefits you seek (a cognition is when you have a NEW knowingness about something in the broadest sense; a new clarity and complete comprehension of something).

So, go back and read this again, and when you get here the second time, you may continue reading. Go back to the beginning now.

Feel What You Say

Now, repeat out loud SLOWLY, thinking about each word and it’s meaning, and FEELING what you are saying (you may repeat any phrase as many times as you like if it feels good when you say it): I am focused. I am thinking. I am in the present moment. I am concentrating. I am paying attention. I am alert. I am awake. I am aware. I am conscious. I am open. I am allowing. I am ready. I am receptive. I am receiving. I am clear. I am worthy. I am deserving. I am good. I am centered. I am peaceful. I am calm. I am serene. I am tranquil. I am still. I am fully aware and fully conscious on all levels and all dimensions. I am taking my time. I am going slow. I am concentrating. I am enjoying this. I am breathing. I am energy. I am formless. I am eternal. I am love. I am here. I am there. I am everywhere. I am.

Now, anytime I ask a question in these lessons follow these instructions: Think about the question and take your time. Reread the question as many times as you like. Look within, search within, connect to the Universal field/collective consciousness. Focus. Breath. Maybe stand up and walk around as you think about the question. There is no rush. Feel the energy in the question. Feel the energy flowing through you. Be aware of your connection to Source. If you take several minutes, that is fine. This is not a race where the winner is the one who finishes first.

Every Thought Carries Unlimited Power

Every moment in life is significant. EVERY thought you have carries with it unlimited power and the seed of creation. There are no insignificant thoughts. EVERY thought has the potential to transform your world in an instant, and in a monumental way (the way you do anything, is the way you do everything). The NEXT thought might be the one thought that catapults you, in an instant, to total freedom on all levels and in all dimensions. Every thought you have has supreme power, potential, and energy.

So, THINK about the question, and THINK about what you choose to be your answer. There are no right and wrong answers. Answer what you FEEL is true, not what you think I want to hear, or what sounds good. You have to feel your answer is true for you, even if you “wish” or want your answer to be something else. Always answer honestly. Know also, that the moment you answer the question, everything can shift and the next time you are asked the same question (even only a minute later) your answer might be totally different. That is the point!

After you have really thought about the question and the answer, then answer the question out loud to me before you go on.

So, here is the first question: Why are you reading this?

Did you answer? What was your answer? Tell me again. Say it out loud. Articulate it. I AM listening.

Thank you.

Now, let me ask you again, think about the question, and think about your answer,(as this time you might give a different answer), take your time and give the answer out loud to me.

Think, look, search, feel, focus, concentrate, breath, be in the moment, take your time, then give me the answer out loud.

Here is the question: Why are you reading this?

Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and, if so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Thank you.

Now, I will ask you another question, think about the question, take your time, (even if it take several minutes),then say your answer out loud to me.

(Answer before you go on) What do you want?

Thank you.

(Answer before you go on, but do not rush your answer, take your time) What do you want?

Thank you.

(Answer before you go on, but do not rush your answer, as it may be a different answer or a more detailed answer, take your time) What do you want?

Thank you.

What do you want?

Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and, if so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Thank you.

(Answer before you go on, but to do not rush you answer, take your time, focus, THINK, concentrate, search with your feelings, and always give the answer out loud to me) Why do you want what you want?

Thank you.

Tell me again, (only after you have thought about it), why do you want what you want and see if there is another reason why you want what you want.

Thank you.

Why do you want what you want? Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and, if so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Thank you.

What feeling do you want, and you think you will get, when you get what you want? Thank you.

What feeling do you want, and you think you will get, when you get what you want? Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and, if so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Thank you.

Why do you want that feeling? Thank you.

It is fine to change the feeling you want or have a new cognition. Why do you want that feeling?

Thank you.

Why do you want that feeling? Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and, if so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Thank you.

What do you want that you do not have? Thank you.

What do you want that you do not have? Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and, it so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Thank you.

What do you need? Thank you.

What do you need? Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and, if so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Thank you

What is missing from your life? Thank you.

What is missing from your life? Thank you.

Did you have a cognition, new viewpoint, new understanding, or new awareness of anything, and if so, please take your time and articulate it now out loud, and when finished, continue reading, if not, simply continue reading.

Where are you?

Thank you.

(Be detailed) What are you wearing? Thank you.

Be aware of your breathing for 30 seconds. Thank you.

Touch something, focus on it, be fully aware and conscious of it, concentrate on it, acknowledge it’s existence, and call it by name saying “you are a “.

Thank you.

Self vs Ego

What you just did was “experience” something. “You/the SELF” exercised/focused/controlled your “mind/ego”. The goal of these lessons is to release your abilities so you can manifest/create anything you want in the physical material world, AND achieve complete inner peace/bliss that is not overruled by irrational uncontrollable emotions that seem to be at effect to outside circumstances and conditions, such as what people say about you, your physical health, your financial situation, daily frustrations, and events/people/situations that are “outside of our personal control”.

As you went through those questions, you may have experienced some “shifts” in your perspective on things. Perspective is different that “knowing”. Knowing is when you have 100% certainty; not feeling any need to convince anyone; not feeling any need to defend your knowingness about something. You always have supreme inner confidence in your knowingness without any fear, sense of threat, and without any feelings of superiority of, or any condemnation, criticism, or judgment of others. You feel humility.

Now, think about the following concepts/ideas/perspectives. Go slow, and really ponder these concepts. You do not have to believe them, agree with them, or accept them. Just think about them. See how they FEEL when you read them, and consider them.

You (SELF)

Remember there is a difference in: believing something (which is what the ego/mind does, and always contains doubt); “knowing about” something; and actually KNOWING something: a knowingness (which comes from first hand personal “experiencing it”; a total awareness of it; 100% certainty). I will explain more about this in an upcoming lesson.

-You (SELF) are not a body.

-You (SELF) are an eternal non-physical, formless, EXTENSION of pure love/light/Source/All-that-IS.

You (SELF) ARE in fact, pure love/light/SOURCE/ALL-THAT-IS.

You (SELF) have a mind/ego (which you need if you are embodied and operating in the material world of form).

Your mind/ego wants to always be in control, and wants to think thoughts continuously.

Your mind/ego must always be right, and at the same time, always make others wrong.

Everything (ideas, thoughts, reality, TRUTH) that suggests the body and mind/ego are not the ONLY and most important aspects of reality, and in fact the only thing that is real, is a threat to the mind/ego’s actual existence.

Your mind/ego rejects and attacks everything that threatens it (that includes all concepts, ideas, reality, and TRUTH).

Your body (and all organisms) operate out of fear (the feeling of being separated from Source) which creates a single driving force: SURVIVE (which also can mean thrive)

Your mind/ego also operates out of fear (the feeling of being separated from Source) which creates a single driving force: SURVIVE (which also can mean thrive)

YOU/the SELF operate out of love. You/SELF have no fear (for you KNOW that you are not, never have been, and never will be separate from Love/God/Light/Source, as YOU are an extension of, a part of, and one with Source. You ARE Source. Thus, You/SELF KNOW you CANNOT EVER be separate from Source/God; YOU have 100% certainty of this fact).  You/SELF know that You/SELF are eternal thus Survival is not a consideration. You/SELF ARE pure love. Love is not a driving force, and has no driving force, it is simply a state of being. You/SELF simply ARE (just as God IS).

You/SELF choose to be embodied in order to experience and feel all aspects of love, by expanding the Universe via creating.

The ego/mind likes things, AND dislikes things, and condemns, criticizes, judges others, and complains (finds fault).

You (SELF) love everything, and dislike nothing, and never condemns, criticizes, judges others, or complains (finds fault).

You (SELF) can ONLY give love and receive love, because you are ONLY love.

Now, consider that YOU (the SELF) are currently controlled by the mind/ego (by lack of awareness and understanding, a slow thought speed, and the images you have been programmed with). When YOU are in control of the mind/ego, THEN you are free! Suffering ceases. You have mastery over all. You have equanimity.

“Images” You Have Been Programmed With

Now read and ponder the following ideas. Go slow.

You do not have to agree with, believe, or accept any of the concepts. Simply read them, think about them, and notice your feelings as you think about them.

Consider that you are reading this because you want something you feel you do not have and feel it could be revealed here. You want to increase your survival potential. You think that you can gain something by reading this, thus subconsciously increase your survival quotient. You are searching. You are curious. You feel you are not yet “whole”, not “complete”. You want both material things and an inner state of joy/happiness/connection, which you believe will increase your ability to survive (thrive). You have searched and still have not “found” or experienced that elusive “magic“. You still feel that something is missing from your life. You are still unfulfilled and do not have complete contentment.

Consider that you want to gain material “stuff” in your life. You want to gain more pleasurable sensations and decrease or eliminate painful sensations.

Now, consider that all your wants come from the ego/mind. And, the ego/mind has been programmed to want things based on what the “image makers” have programmed it to want.

If you live in America, the “images” you have been programmed with are different than the “images” someone who lives in China has been programmed with.

Images (programming) come from TV, movies, books, music, radio, magazines, newspapers, billboards, what we see with our eyes and experience through all of our senses. They also come from the words of all people in your life that you felt had authority, such as your parents, any person older than you, any person you felt was better, smarter, or superior than you, all government officials, teachers etc.

Programming also comes from EVERY word you have spoken out loud, and every thought you think.

If you want a Mercedes, think about what makes you want a Mercedes. It is the advertising (images). It is seeing your favorite celebrity drive one. It is how you hear others talk about a Mercedes and how they wish they had one. It is how you think you will feel when you get it (which all comes from programming).

You want a Mercedes because you have been programmed to want a Mercedes, and not a camel. Yet, in the world, there are many who WANT and DESIRE a camel and could care less about a Mercedes. All wants/desires come from the images your mind/ego has been programmed with.

Consider changing the idea of “wanting/desiring” to: choosing; create; choose to have; wish to create; interest in manifesting; attract; claiming; my preference; my option; I would like to experience “next”; interest in making; etc.

Consider that the only reason you want anything, is because you think getting it will make you feel better than you do now (and increase your ability to survive and thrive).

Consider that ALL feelings that you seek are ultimately a deep inner desire to feel “love”, connection, oneness, completion, wholeness, bliss, safety, contentment, security, happiness, joy, acceptance, approval, worthiness, and ecstasy.

Consider that the reason you want these feelings is because you have already “tasted”/experienced them at some point in your eternal existence, and you desperately want them again.

Consider that feeling you do not have something, can only come from the ego/mind. If you are an extension of ALLdTHATdIS, then you are ONE with everything. You have and ARE everything right now. All you have to do is be aware of it, choose it, claim it, and it will be.

Consider, that YOU (SELF) need nothing. It is only the ego/mind that THINKS it “needs” things (to survive). You/SELF need nothing, for you are already everything, and you are eternal.

Consider that nothing is missing from your life for you ARE one with all.

Consider that you are embodied, here on planet earth, by your choice. You actually wanted to feel disconnected from Source. You choose to experience ALL feelings of separation from LOVE/SOURCE/GOD, so you can KNOW what love/light actually is.

You must KNOW what something is NOT, to know what it is. You must know sour, to know sweet. You must know fear to know love. The process of experiencing all, is the process of experiencing contrast, which leads to preferences and choices, which lead to creation. Creation happens with the mind/ego. YOU control your mind and USE it to create in the physical world.

Consider that your thoughts and only your thoughts create everything, without exception, in your worldly experience. All your past thoughts are projected into everything your senses interact with on the physical plane of existence.

Consider you can give any meaning to anything you experience, thus you and only you can choose anything to be pleasant/good/positive, based on the meaning you give to it.

Consider you can change any experience instantly, by simply changing the thoughts you focus on (with complete certainty). The “time” the change takes place in the physical world is simply an illusion (more on this in an upcoming lesson).

You Can Manifest Anything You Choose

manifestation definition

You can create/manifest in the physical world anything you choose. You can be, do and have anything you choose. You can feel anyway you choose. You are the ultimate creator. You are the Supreme Omnipresent, Omnipotent, All Powerful, Absolute Authority in your life who has complete dominion over your entire experience, and how you feel, at all times. And you are the ONLY almighty power over your life. You and only you control your life experience with complete supremacy and absolute total complete authority.

All suffering comes from wanting/desiring “something” you do not have, believing you NEED it, and that you will be or feel better when you get it. It is the attachment or need of “something” outside of yourself that is the cause of all suffering.

You can still choose to create/manifest anything in your life and have no suffering, if you simply are not attached to what you are creating, and creating for the joy of creating, and not the need of “getting” of things. When you know all is already yours, (when you are in control of the mind/ego) suffering ceases, and the joy/bliss/peace that surpasses all human comprehension is your moment to moment experience.

When you are blissful now, you can choose to create anything, knowing that you “need” nothing, and when what you choose to create manifests, your state will not change. This is freedom. This is Mastery. This is equanimity.

Now, you will do an extremely powerful process that will result in huge amounts of release for you and many cognitions. This will help you manifest your desires more easily while increasing your moment to moment joy (reduce suffering).

Perhaps this process will even result in an epiphany, transformation, or transcendental experience for you.

You are going to create your own personal dictionary and “Illuminate and activate” words. A personal dictionary is one of the greatest kept secrets for Mastery in life (I will explain in detail in an upcoming lesson). You can get a notebook (I suggest a 3 ring binder) and write this by hand or you can do this digitally on your computer or Smartphone. Create a “special” personal dictionary with pride. Cherish your personal dictionary. It will contain power and wonder. Make it awesome, wonderful, and magnificent.

Now, go back to the beginning of the lesson, and read/do this lesson again. Do not continue reading this lesson until you have reread the lesson. Only then continue reading.

Welcome back

Now that you have completed all the words, and did the lesson a second time, let me ask you a couple of questions:

-Please tell me out loud how the lesson was different the second time? Thank you.

-Did you have any cognitions or epiphanies from the time you started reading this lesson the first time to right now, and if yes, please tell them to me out loud, before you read any further.

Thank you! Well done!


Now, you are going to create a lesson note book. Take pride in the creation of your personal lesson notebook. Make it something, along with your personal dictionary, that you will be proud to pass on generation to generation.

Your personal dictionary and your personal lesson notebook will be the 2 most important and effective tools you will have as you move through these lessons, to help you release your abilities to manifest things into your physical reality and increase your moment to moment inner bliss/joy/peace.

Give time and effort (with joy) into creating your personal dictionary and lesson notebook. You will be getting new words each lesson that you will be adding to your personal dictionary. You should also be adding words to your personal dictionary on your own throughout the month between lessons, and on a regular ongoing basis.

You will also be adding things to your lesson notebook each month.

From time to time, you will be instructed to go to your personal dictionary and lesson notebook to review what you wrote.

You can use a physical paper notebook (I suggest a 3 ring binder) or you can do this digitally on your computer or smart phone.

Each month you can write notes in your notebook as you go through the lessons. At the end of each lesson I will give you specific questions to answer that you will write in your notebook.

Anytime you write in your notebook, put the day, date, time, where you are and the conditions (city, location such as your house and the room, etc. Be specific and include the weather, what the smells are, sounds etc.) and the lesson you are writing about.

Answer These Questions

Now, read the following questions and write your answers to the questions below in your notebook.

Start with a clean page. At the top of the page, put today’s day, date, time, where you are, the conditions, and write lesson 2.

Then, write the answers to the following questions (remember, go slow. Think about each question before you answer):

-What specific things did you learn from this lesson?

-What major cognitions (if any) did you have while going through this lesson? dWhat benefit(s) did you get out of this lesson?

-What did you like best about this lesson?

-Now, think of 3 things you “choose to have/wish to create” in the next 6 months. Take your time.

-Write down the 3 things in your notebook.

-For each of the 3 things, write down WHY you “choose” to manifest/create it and have it in your life.

-For each of the 3 things, write down what you will do and/or how your life will be when you have it.

-For each of the 3 things, write down why you “think/believe/know” you CAN and WILL create them and possess them.

-Now, think about, and write down 1 thing you “choose to have/wish to create” in the next 2d5 years.

-Write down WHY you “choose” to manifest/create this and have it in your life. dWrite down what you will do and/or how your life will be when you have it.

-Write down why you “think/believe/know” you CAN and WILL create it and possess it.

Do not go on until you have completed the above actions.

Now, follow the procedure when getting questions. Go slow. Take your time. Think. When ready answer out loud. How are you feeling right now?

Thank you.

Now take 3 deep breaths.

Stand up and walk around for 2 minutes. Drink a little water.

Look at something far away for 30 seconds.

Enjoy the the next few moments, allow yourself to bath in peace, serenity and bliss. Savor this very moment in time and space, then continue reading whenever you are ready.

Get Ready

Now, here is what you should do until you receive next month’s lesson.

-Go through this lesson at least one more time before you get next month’s lesson. When you go through this again, do everything again, except the dictionary portion. Instead of looking the words up in a dictionary, look them up in your personal dictionary. Read everything about the word that you wrote. Do use (and say out loud) the words in 2 new sentences, but you do not have to write the new sentences in your personal dictionary. You are encouraged to go through this lesson as many times as possible. At least 1 more time before you get next months lesson will be significant. The more often you go through this lesson the better it will be for you and the more it will become a transformative energy experience for you, rather than being an intellectual academic mind/thoughtful exercise. It can actually become a transcendental experience. It can awaken your dormant energy and power.

-Ideally you should also be going through the Success Mastery Course and moving up the levels at a pace you feel good about. The higher you are in the Success Mastery Course, the more you will benefit from this course (these lessons).

However, even if you have not gone through the Your Wish is Your Command Cds or any of the Success Mastery Course, you will still achieve monumental gains and benefits from these lessons and increase your ability to make “things you focus on materialize in your physical world”, and experience more deep inner joy and contentment than ever before.

-Consider reading a little, each day (or as much as possible), from any of the books on the recommended book list (which follows).

-Consider listening to inspirational, motivational audios as often as possible, (including both spoken word as well as music).

-Say the following affirmation/decree out loud, with feeling, each and every day, in the morning as soon as you arise, right before you go to bed, and as often as you can throughout each day. Do the best you can. Be easy on yourself if you forget, or miss a whole day. It is simply ideal to say this out loud as often as you can, for as many days as you can, before the next lesson arrives, as you are now going to consciously program yourself in a positive way that will help release your abilities.

(When I use the word “I”, I am referring to the YOU/SELF that is eternal, non physical, formless, and an extension of ALLdTHATdIS, not your body, mind, or ego.)

Say the following affirmation/decree out loud now, with feeling and focus. Pay attention to every word. You may repeat this as many times now as you like before you continue reading the lesson.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, for this lesson. I am willing to learn. I can learn. I am learning. I can be aware. I can be conscious. I can expand, I can focus. I can concentrate. I can be in present time. I can be in the moment. I can pay attention. I can think. I can control my thoughts. I can choose what I am thinking about. I can create. I can make my dreams come true. I can manifest my choices. I can create what I choose. I can feel good now. I can control my mind and ego. I can allow myself to relax and be. I can allow myself to release what needs to be released. I am a powerful creator. I am connected to Source. I am good. I am loved. I am”.

Remember, this course (these lessons) are primarily designed to ultimately increase your ability to manifest and create whatever you “choose” to enjoy in this physical life, whatever YOU choose to experience, so that your joy is full and overflowing; to increase your inner peace, happiness, bliss, contentment, joy, serenity, tranquility, and ecstasy, indescribable by any and all words, and beyond all human comprehension; to be in perfect equanimity (eliminating all human suffering).

This Is Just The Beginning

Completing this lesson is a great accomplishment. It is the first step to your total freedom on all levels and in all dimensions. I congratulate you! Well done! I am extremely proud of you.

Before we end the Lesson, a question I get very often is how I invented, developed or discovered all the material in this course and in all the other courses I have produced.

The answer is I did NOT invent, developed or discover any of this material. I am not the source. I was taught this, I learned this, I became aware of this, I experienced this, I live this, I “know” this, and I became this. I am this “material”.

All of this data is in the Universal Field/collective consciousness. It has been written in books by men and women throughout the centuries. It has been taught via word of mouth in “clubs/societies/organizations” and by members of the “privileged elite class” for ages. I stand on the shoulders of these giants. I acknowledge them. I honor them. I give them all the accolades, respect, praise, and credit. I appreciate them. I edify them in every way.

This material is not new. It is ancient. It is eternal. It always has been. There are in fact no new breakthrough technologies for enlightenment, or “success”.

If anyone says “I created this”, it is coming from the ego/mind, and not the SELF.

The only thing that is “new” or different, is the way the material is presented, the words used to describe what simply IS, the manner it is taught or the way it is explained, organized, communicated, shown, and disseminated. The “material” and knowledge are all the same. The “energy” is the same. It is all the same TRUTH.

Yes, few people actually “know” this material. Some “know about” this material, but do not “know” it. Some “believe” in this material, but do not “KNOW” it. Fewer still actually have their own dormant “energy/essence” awakened to the point it can effect and awaken the energy in others. Few have the talent and ability to “explain” or “teach” the material in a way that is easy to grasp and easy to learn.

But I am nothing special. I am you. And you are me. We truly are one.

I present this with the deepest humility. I am humbled to be sharing this with you.

I have the deepest love, appreciation and affection for you. I am honored and privileged to be working together with you as we share this path.

Enjoy the journey, enjoy THIS moment, and enjoy EVERY moment. As always, feel good NOW!

Until next month….

May you never be the same. I will see you at the Top.

This is the end of Lesson 2



Book Recommendations by KT:

Books FOCUSING on Manifesting Material

Books FOCUSING on Non-Material/Spiritual/Feel Good NOW





đź’ˇHi, welcome to UpMinded, if you desire to gain more knowledge, skills and control in life, but don't know where to start, this site is for you! đź—ťMy philosophy to help you learn is simple: share the truth, be honest, work hard and live by example. That's what đź“šUpMinded is all about.

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